Thursday, October 31, 2019

Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 15

Discussion - Assignment Example Their recreational activities are also hindered. She says that she had to squeeze her work time, which served as her recreation to be with the kids at home, as her husband could not manage the kids alone. â€Å" I asked if I could just come to the store during the week...† (Ladies Home Journal, pg 2). Another challenge that women experienced was when the children fell ill. They felt they would be blamed for the illnesses. â€Å" I had exposed fifteen children to measles, and I was not the most unpopular mother in the neighbourhood...† (Pg 3) On the other hand, the richer women boasted of easier work handling of the house chores as they were introduced to machines like the hoover and the â€Å"full kitchen† accessories (Primary source pictorial, page 2 and page 5).In general, women found themselves caught between house chores and their leisure, which they often chose to fore go. In as much as the parents and social scientists of the day experienced anxiety over the emergence of a separate teenage culture, the business community took this to their advantage and produced more goods that would fit in the teenagers lifestyles. The increasing â€Å"teen market† was directly proportional to production and sales by the companies (The Teenage Consumer, Life 1959. Pg 2). Teenagers no longer fancied bikes and dresses; instead they surrounded themselves with millions of photographs, television sets and cameras, much to the disbelief of the parents who thought such as luxuries at their time (The teenage consumer, Life Magazine. Pg 1). As illustrated in "Life Magazine", (August 31st, 1959, Pg 1), previously the businessmen mainly ignored the teenage market. However, they later began to pump more resources in line with the teenage demand. A case example of a 17-year-old Suzzie is given; a route that apparently teenagers would

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

How Drugs and Receptors Interact Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

How Drugs and Receptors Interact - Essay Example GABAA receptors are also ligand-gated and ionotropic channels. Upon binding of the drug, such hormones are automatically triggered. Examples of drugs that bind through this mechanism include bicuculline, muscimol, and gaboxadol. b) Ligand-Regulated Transmembrane Enzymes Ligand-Regulated Transmembrane Enzymes are receptor molecules that mediate the early steps of signaling by insulin, growth factor, epidermal growth factor, platelet-derived, transforming growth factor, atrial natriuretic peptide, and many more trophic hormones. They are a type of receptors that are polypeptides in nature and comprise of extra-cellular-hormone-binding domains that bind to a cytoplasmic enzyme. The enzyme can be a tyrosine kinase, a guanylate cyclase or serine. In all these receptors, the two are linked by a polypeptide, a hydrophobic domain that cuts across the lipid layers. Upon binding of the drug (ligand) to the extracellular receptor, the receptor activates monomers to dimmers and the two receptor polypeptides bind strongly to the membrane. The cytoplasmic domains are then phosphorylated on tyrosine residues and their particular enzymatic activities or effects are activated. The tyrosine kinase receptor signaling pathway begins with binding of the drug or ligand to the external domain of the receptor. For example, monoclonal antibodies that act as antagonists of the tyrosine kinase receptors are effective in the management of breast cancer-related with over-expression of the growth factor receptor.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Black Power Movement Essay

Black Power Movement Essay ZAHRAA JAINODIEN INTRODUCTION The failures of the Civil Rights Movement resulted in the Black Power Movement. Members of the party felt that passive resistance was unrealistic and that for real change to occur, violent direct action would need to happen. Leaders like Malcolm X felt that passive resistance was not effective. Not only did Black Power promote black beauty is also unified African Americans. Why did the BPM come into existence? The Civil Rights Movement achieved many great things, their powerful protests created an immense amount of awareness for the oppression of black people in America. Protests like the Montgomery Bus Boycott, The sit-ins in 1960, the March on Lincoln Memorial, the Birmingham Campaign in 1963, Freedom summer of 1964, and the Selma-Montgomery marches, attained: the passing of the Civil Rights Act by the American Congress in 1964. This outlawed discrimination based on racial, ethnic, national, religious and gender identity, and the passing of the Voting Rights Act by the American Congress in 1965. In addition to these acts being passed black people gained a new self-confidence as the result of The CRM. Black people also gained a new sympathy for the things that they had lost during the CRM from their fellow white citizens of America. Despite the achievements of the CRM by 1965 the general economic conditions of African Americans were poor. They lived in ghettos which were crowded and diseases would often arise due to the lack of facilities, the ghettos were often in bad conditions and most of the time unkempt[1]. Apart from the living conditions, most of these people were unemployed or paid very low wages as job opportunities were lacking. This resulted in poverty and crime and to many the achievements of the CRM were in vain, they had lost all hope. Although they had achieved civil rights they were still subject to copious amounts of discrimination often racial abuse and violent attacks with this the police provided little protection and sometimes were guilty of these brutal attacks. The African Americans had no solution to this problem as they were taught by previous leaders like Martin Luther King that passive resistance and civil disobedience were commendable ways of disapproving authority but many felt that this ideology was inadequate and so they turned to more forceful ways of resistance[2]. Black power promoted black interests and this appealed to many frustrated African Americans. Black power grew out of black dissatisfaction of the CRM. Although the achievements of the CRM were praiseworthy it was not good enough. A Ghetto during the 1960s What Influence did Malcolm X have on the development of the BPM? Malcolm X was an African American Muslim minister and a human rights activist. Malcom X joined the Nation of Islam, which believed that blacks were superior to whites. They also believed in black self-reliance and that African Americans should return to where they originated from, Africa, as they believed that they would never be abundantly accepted in American society. Malcolm X became one of their best outspoken speakers. After his time as part of the Nation of Islam his relationship with the leader of the movement Elijah Muhammad grew hostile [3] and he decided to leave the movement. Malcolm X believed that blacks had the right to defend themselves violently in the face of a violent attack if necessary to achieve their freedom and equality. He did not believe in integration between blacks and whites making him an early proponent of Black Nationalism. Thus he didn’t believe in Martin Luther King’s ideology of passive resistance, their lack of power was the foundation of Malcolm X’s duty to encourage that protests be more assertive.[4] Although he was a firm believer of the promotion of black interests, black self-esteem, black self-pride and black self-defence against racial oppression his views began to change after his pilgrimage to mecca. He discovered that Muslims preach equality of the races. After returning to America he remained convinced that racism ruined the spirit of America and that only black people could free themselves. Malcom X What were the main beliefs and aims of the BPM? The Black Power Movement was interpreted in various ways and had many beliefs but ultimately a common objective, Black Nationalism. Black power promoted black interests, self-sufficient black economy, Black self-pride and self-esteem. They believed that black people and white people should not be integrated therefore they fostered a distinctive black culture. [5] These ideas caused friction with leaders of the Civil Rights Movement as the CRM worked towards social equality whereas Black Power believed in black separation. Not all parties were in favour of Black Nationalism, The Black Panther party believed in Self-defence against racial oppression. They also believed that the structure of power in America was imbalanced [6] and that majority of the people in power in America were white thus making it unfair, they believed that people of colour were economically exploited and that it needed to be rectified. Black power believed in black control of their communities, they didn’t believe in nonviolent protests as they believed that direct action was more effective. Supporters of the Black Power Movement began adopting distinctive ways of dressing, especially women who then decided that their wardrobe would be more uniformed inspired than European. They coined a term â€Å"Black is Beautiful†[7] and this became their mantra, men and women were asked to stop straightening their hair and bleaching their skin, as in American culture it was believed that certain black characteristics were undesirable, thus men and women donned an afro hairstyle to display their new found confidence in being black. They believed that time was not to be wasted on proving to the white people that they were equal but rather that, that time to be spent on educating the black community of black power , building institutions and providing protection to fellow black citizens. What methods did the BPM employ? There were various methods that were employed by the members of the BPM. During the Civil Rights Movement, an organisation called the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) was a non-violent committee that would participate in sit-ins and freedom rides, protesting against the inequality between white and black people. It started out non-violently but later on in the 60s it fell under the leadership of a passionate Stokely Carmichael and this organisation became a predecessor of the BPM. The Black Panther Party carried out most of the procedures when it came to educating the black people of black power. The Black Panther Party was initially formed to protect black people from police brutality but under the leadership of Stokely Carmichael the Black Panther Party adopted Black Nationalism. Many of the members of the party carried firearms with them; this was thought to protect the black people from the police but also made them look very intimidating displaying their clear contrary to the Civil Rights Movement. Majority of the black people were illiterate and this created a problem for the party as leaflets could not be made therefore it was pointless if no one could read them, so the leaders made decisions to incorporate awareness in less literal way. â€Å"They could have leafleted the community and they could have written books, but the people would not respond. They had to act and the people could see and hear about it and therefore become educated on how to respond to oppression.†[8] They decided that crime and poverty in the ghettos could be decreased if they employed people who were interested in conveying radical change. Apart from being responsible for various criminal activities the BBP formed armed groups for self-defence against the police, this was their strategy to protect themselves and idea of Black Nationalism. Under this party the main focus was that black people would be free from white people completely, and that they only relied on themselves and other people falling under the black nation. Members of the BBP How successful was the BPM? It is suggested that Black Power made positive, lasting contributions to the African American lifestyle.[9] It created greater racial pride amongst the black people in America. Black people became more accepting of their American heritage, they noted that they would be stronger as country than as segregated races. African Americans were now taken care of, ghettos decreased as well as crime and poverty. Black voters were endowed to support their black candidates[10]. The Black Power Movement also formed a path; black students were now given the opportunity to study at university without any racial oppression or discrimination. Although we like to believe that racial discrimination no longer existed in America, it did and it still does. The Black Power Movement also created a strong black culture for African Americans, this was something that they could relate to, and this culture consisted of soulful music, eccentric fashion and heartfelt literature. The BPM also formed a platform for cultural tolerance in America, as different cultures were now accepted amongst people of the country. What is the legacy of the BPM today? The Black Power Movement set down a fundamental platform for the advancement of African Americans. Black Power was not the only contributing factor, but the Civil Rights Movement also played a big role in achieving equality for African Americans. Under the Civil Rights Movement, Civil Rights Acts were passed, race discrimination became illegal and this gave African Americans a new kind of self-esteem and self-confidence in who they were as Americans. Although the Black Power Movement â€Å"ended† the spirit today still does exist, not only in America but in all parts of the world. If we look at America today, there are many successful African Americans in the country. The dream of many African Americans was achieved in 2008 when Barack Obama was elected as America’s first black president. This could not be made possible if black power did not exist. It was the strength and power of the many activists in the 1960s and 1970s that fashioned an important part in history today. â€Å"Black powers impact thus remains powerfully resonant — however fraught and contentious — as a generation of black politicians, artists, and intellectuals have channelled the new black identity it first articulated in diverse and varied ways†[11] with this said the writer makes a very crucial point, that Black Power was the basis of the accomplishments of African Americans today and that it should remain as a token that A frican Americans should remember of the struggle. Conclusion It is suggested that the failures of the Civil Rights Movement subsequently lead to the rise of Black Power. The methods used during the Civil Rights Movement like passive resistance and civil disobedience felt inadequate to the black people therefore it appeared that was a need for alternative methods to achieve equality. Timeline of the BP 1952 Malcolm X joins The Nation of Islam 1955-1956 Montgomery Bus Boycott 1960 The first Sit-in occurred in Greensboro, North Carolina 1963 The March on Washington (Lincoln Memorial) 1963 Birmingham Campaign 1964 Freedom Summer Campaign 1964 Civil Rights Act was signed 1964 Malcolm X breaks with the Nation Of Islam 1965 Voting Rights Act was signed 1966 The Black Panther Party was founded by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale 1966 Stokeley Carmichael becomes ‘Honorary Prime Minister’ of the BBP 1967 Stokeley Carmichael is removed From BBP 1972 National Black Political Convention was held 1980 BBP started to dissipate 1983 Martin Luther King Jr Day was created Illustrations A protest of Asians showing their support of Black Power, they’re protesting for the release of Huey Newton who was imprisoned for murdering a policeman in 1967. A Black panthers poster with their mantra â€Å"Move on over or we’ll move on over you† which basically meant that they were not afraid for fighting for their rights. Bibliography Revolutionaries to Race Leaders: Black Power and the Making of African American Politics written by Cederic Johnson Black theology and black power written by James H. Cone [1] [2] [3] [4] Adapted from [5] and adapted from New day in Babylon the BPM movement and American culture written by William l. van Deburg, ISBN: 9780226847153 Published November 1993 [6] [7] Adapted from [8] Quote by Black Panther leader, Huey Newton 1968 [9] adapted from New Day in Babylon: The Black Power Movement and American Culture, 1965-1975By William L. Van Deburg [10] [11] Quote from an article

Friday, October 25, 2019

Models of God, Humanity, and Nature My Experiences, Thoughts, and Criti

Models of God, Humanity, and Nature My Experiences, Thoughts, and Critical Analyses I ask a lot of questions; I’m a curious person. I once asked my mom why people die, why there are bad things in the world if God is so good and all-powerful. Her response was that we just couldn’t really understand why God does anything because we can’t comprehend God’s â€Å"master plan.† I’m sure that she was right, but that response is not very satisfying to a curious little boy. I saw an inconsistency in my understanding of reality, and I wanted to get things straight. I guess this little anecdote begins to illustrate a couple of my basic life principles. A concise explanation of how I look at the world is just this: We humans, as finite beings, use models to understand complex things – God, Nature, Humanity – and in doing so must simplify things. There’s nothing wrong with this simplification, as long as we know we are doing so and why. Our models of these complex things can be based on a number of things – usually logic, evidence, and our experiences (I’m probably exluding a powerful one, namely tradition). These varying models of reality, however, must be internally and externally consistent – that is, with themselves and with other models used by a single person. When the models used by a person are internally or externally inconsistent with themselves or with logic, evidence, or experiences, the first reaction is probably confusion (or maybe anxiety), but in the continued search for consistency, one can arrive at further insight and a desired level of comfort in oneself and the way one views reality. I guess this is sometimes called the search for the meaning of life, although that’s a rather grand phrase for ... ... Humanity, and Nature are inter-connected internally and externally, I must work to understand these relationships, and in doing so, I must work to maximize the enjoyment and well-being of all things related to me, directly and indirectly, consciously and unconsciously. Additionally, I must treat all manner of things (entities perhaps) as subjects, rather than objects, recognizing that each has a level of being and enjoyment that it can attain, with the help of me and the rest of the world. I must work to avoid and eliminate violence of all forms by using memory, empathy, imagination, and true forgiveness to short-circuit the cycle. If I live my life in a continual state of change, using creative, responsive, and responsible love persuasively to acheive a higher level of good, then I will be living in a way that’s consistent with process theology’s Christianity.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

My Teacher Has a Big Influence on My Life Essay

One day I was sitting in my math class, feeling bored and sleepy, when my teacher, Mr. .Ahmed woke me up by his words.He told us his story aboutmath and how his life changed after he changed his way of thinking. He also told us that he used to hate math, but he became good at math after he decided to like it. From that moment, I decided to adopt my teacher`s attitude, and I learned to be open-minded, flexible in my life and positive about math. Mr.Ahmed was a great man; he liked to teach mathfrom his heart. He used to tell us his life story in a way to convince all students to fight negative thoughts and usepositive thoughts instead. Therefore, it taught menot only to change my way of thinking but it also helped me to become open-minded. Because my father never liked math, I assumed that I would not either, so I would never been better than that.In addition Ispent the next few days thinking about the teacher`s story. I was wondering how I could be good at math, and the teacher`s word s were still echoing deeply in my earsâ€Å"My dear kids, open your mind,think in a different waysand imagine yourselves doing what you want to be.† Consequently, I learned to clear my mind, think in a different way and focus on my goals. Another aspect that attracted me more to the teacher’s story was its similarity to my situation. I didn’t like math that time, but my teacher’s words gave me tremendous inspiration I still use that till now. I also became flexible in my life; I could do anything to improve my life without listening to the negative thoughts. I was trying different ways of thinking and listening to the different points of view. As result my family noticed the big change in my life, because prior to that time I waslazy,careless, andunorganized. The next week I felt I was a different person who had a great power to do whatever it took to actualize my plans in life.Not only was my education improved but also my life.Being responsive to change helped me a lot to be successful in most classes and to be friendly with everyone. In addition my brothers appreciated my change and felt like they had their brother back. Finally, my teacher`s story put me on the solid path to walk without failing. My life changed in a positive way from being a lazy student, who hated anything related to math or science, to becoming bright student who enjoyed learning in all aspects. I became very optimistic, confident to face any problems with open heart.In one year my grades changed from D`s to A`s,so my family rewarded me with Safari to Kenya.Since I changed my way of thinking, I changed my life in a remarkable way. My teacher`s advice encouraged me to study human development and psychology.I also decided to study mathematics and to become a math teacher like Mr. Ahmed .Time passed so quickly that I couldn’t believe that I was standing in frontof my own math classteaching.In The first class I couldn’t hide my tears because I remembered my great instructor. My students noticed this, and I told them my story with Mr. Ahmed. I was astonished and unable to understand how his words were powerful for me,completely altering the course of my life. I was writing to my teacher for years telling him every detail of my life; he was a good supporter to me. Additionally, he was very happy to see me successful in my life .When I heard his death , I was feeling sad for months .However , remembering his words â€Å" man will die but his actions and words stay for good† kept me breathing till now. My teacher`s words taught me to appreciate life, and think positively, be open-minded, and be flexible in life. Although he is gone and I am sad for loss of his physical presence, I keep him and his advices in my heart. Therefore, I will keep him as symbol of my success and happiness.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Borderlands Gloria Anzaldua

Imagine present day Mexico, there are many popular Mexican staples that can come to mind i. e tacos, warm weather, and pesos. However, when you take a closer look at their culture it is clear that the Mexican people are very religious. More specifically they are very connected to the Virgen de Guadelupe. The Virgen is depicted all over Mexico and is one of their most celebrated and loved saints. The Virgen de Guadelupe originates from Coatlicue The Aztecs, a 12th century CE civilization, were very religious and worshiped many gods and goddesses. The ritual sacrifices that took place in the Aztec society influenced their everyday lives. The Aztec’s were highly spiritual, always inspired and taught by the gods and goddesses, for which they were the creators of the earth and life. â€Å"The earliest is Coatlicue, or â€Å"Serpent Skirt. † She had a human skull or serpent for a head, a necklace of human hearts, a skirt of twisted serpents and taloned feet,† (Anzaldua 49). She was a woman, an Earth Goddess, the beholder of all. â€Å"Coatlicue, Lady of the Serpent Skirt, contained and balanced the dualities of male and female, light and dark, life and death,† (Anzaldua 54). Since Coatlicue possesses these dualities she consisted of everything and in turn accepts all. â€Å"She is the central deity connecting us to our Indian ancestory† (Anzaldua 49). Of the many rituals performed by the Aztecs, only sacrifices would please her. The Spaniards embarked into the Aztec civilization during the 15th century CE. They were disgusted by the Aztec 2sacrifices, considering them barbaric. The Spaniards decided to disregard this ancient religion. â€Å"Coatlicue, the serpent goddess, and her more sinister aspects, Tlazolteotl and Cihuacoatl, were â€Å"darkened† and disempowered much in the same manner as he Indian Kali† (Anzaldua 49). Coatilicue became the good mother, split from her dark guises. The Spaniards along with the Church continued to split her. What they were doing was desexing Coatlicue; her dualities were never discussed again. The manifestation of this change is now called la Virgen de Guadalupe. Coatlicue is embodied in all of us . I feel that she is in everything around us as well. This is because she is good and evil; light and dark. What the Spaniards did was hide half of her. Letting only the good shine through and thus being unfaithful to the true Earth Goddess. Then there is the Antigua, somebody who is a greater figure, more of a divine presence. I think this is my connection with Coatlicue, the serpent woman, with la Virgen de Guadalupe, with what people call goddesses† (Anzaldua 241). The divine presence is what Gloria Anzaldua feels within her soul. She has unleashed a deep yearning that she has known her whole life. â€Å"The loss of a sense of dignity and respect in the macho breeds a false machismo which leads him to put down women and even to brutalize them. Coexisting with his sexist behavior is a love for the mother which takes precedence over that of all others. Devoted son, macho pig. To wash down the shame of his acts, of his very being, and to handle the brute in the mirror, he takes to the bottle, the snort, the needle, and the fist,† (Anzaldua 105). The western culture has morphed men into the almighty power. When Coatlicue ruled, women were highly regarded and men didn’t have superior attitudes. Since Coatlicue has been desexed and buried amongst the â€Å"voodoo† worshipers that we all laugh at today, there has been a major shift of power that was not for the greater good. I feel that if the 21st century can accept their inner Coatlicue this wouldn’t be common among men. This is because Coatlicue doesn’t allow this and men would be ashamed to put down a woman. Present day, many men think that its their duty to â€Å"wear the pants† in the family. Our dominant male society has caused women to become suppressed. Women still don’t receive equal pay and are pressured into a caretaker role in the household. The most upsetting aspect is that 50 years ago it was even worse and the progress women have strived for has only recently been accredited. Breaking the glass ceiling† is a common term amongst working women philosophy. However, I feel that there wouldn’t be a glass ceiling to break if Coatlicue was present in our lives. Anzaldua struggles with her many identities; her homosexuality is one which caused major conflict within herself and family. â€Å"We are ashamed that we need your good opinion, that we need your acceptance. We can no longer camouflage our needs, can no longer let defenses and fences sprout around us. We can no longer withdraw† (Anzaldua 110). Feeling this resentment towards your culture and your family is a huge struggle. Like many other homosexuals, Anzaldua wants to be accepted. It would be comforting to know that no matter what you were accepted. Sadly, this is not how our culture is and many of us, like Anzaldua, feel rejected. Coatlicue was the one who gave her strength when she was down and when Anzaldua needed her Coatlicue was there. Coatlicue accepts all; this is because she embodies everything and is not the good mother virgin that we are all accustomed too. Coatlicue is true to life and accepts the good and the bad. I am cultureless because, as a feminist, I challenge the collective cultural/ religious male-derived beliefs of Indo-Hispanics and Anglos; yet I am cultured because I am participating in the creation of yet another culture, a new story to explain the world and our participation in it, a new value system with images and symbols that connect us to each other and to the planet,† ( Anzaldua 102,10 3). Coatlicue is all cultures and this is why Anzaldua gravitates toward her in so many ways. Coatlicue doesn’t shun homosexuals or mixed races. This is because she accepts all life, Coatlicue looks beyond these superficial traits and looks inside of you to see who you really are. This freedom to be whoever allows everyone to express themselves freely. Anzaldua is drawn to this especially because she has a lot of distinct qualities that the western culture looks down on. Coatlicue allows Anzaldua to be herself free of guilt or shame. Anzaldua has a place with Coatlicue and everyone who believes in her spirit. â€Å"The mestizo and the queer exist at this time and point on the evolutionary continuum for a purpose. We are a blending that proves that all blood is ntricately woven together, and that we are spawned out of similar souls,† (Anzaldua 107). This is inspired from the meaning of Coatlicue. Anzaldua has a chance to overcome the obstacles she feels within herself. Globally we need to accept this because as time passes we will all blend into a melting pot†¦ to not accept one of us, is the same as all of us, bec ause we are all one of the same. Coatlicue is the heart of expressing yourself and the Aztecs understood the power of this message. No matter who you are there is a point in your life that you feel alone, left out, or different. During this time of stuggle is when you can reach for Coatlicue. She will accept you and not be disgusted with you like western culture. At times like these I wish I had Coatlicue. I feel as if knowing about Coatlicue I am a stonger person. As a Roman Catholic I have always felt that having the Virgin Mary’s grace and love was unobtainable. It’s not realistic to say you will never sin, never hate, never have any evil. Coatlicue is the true model of who and what we are. This is because we all have good and evil within us and Coatlicue is that. Gloria Anzaldua didn’t intend on inspiring or captivating the public. This naive way of writing, at some points almost talking to herself, is what I liked the most. This style of writing is very true to her and all that she discussed. With this, the outcome of Borderlands had a greater effect than Gloria ever thought. Especially when published within a western culture that doesn’t accept much. This acceptance shows the need people want to change, grow, and overcome these man-made obstacles built hundreds of years ago. Gloria’s book will continue to inspire countless generations and I truly feel that time will allow Coatlicue to rise again.